BCYF Snap Shot Photography Program

This summer employment program introduces participants to all aspects of photography. Led by a professional photographer the program includes:

  • opportunities to conduct “photo shoots” around Boston
  • visit museums and art galleries
  • dedicated computer lab time to edit digital photos
  • weekly personal development workshops led by John Hancock, and
  • the responsibility of serving as a “staff photographer” at various programs and events for Boston Centers for Youth & Families.


Learn more about participating in Snap Shot on the BCYF website.


The Snap Shot Photography Program is made possible via a partnership between Boston Centers for Youth & Families, The Foundation for BCYF, and the John Hancock’s MLK Summer Scholars Program, which allows nonprofit agencies to employ teens throughout the summer.

The MLK Summer Scholars Program enables students to have on-the-job training in community organizations. They also take part in weekly life skills training workshops managed and developed by the Boston Globe Foundation and Boston Cares.

MLK Summer Scholars gain employment training as well as educational skills to assist in becoming community leaders of the future.



Summer 2019 End of Program Photography Exhibit

Join us as we unveil and celebrate the work of the 2019 BCYF Snap Shot photography program participants.

6:00 PM

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Boston Convention & Exhibition Center

Note: Due to security it is necessary to RSVP so you are on the list.

Contact Information

Phone:  617-635-4920

Email:  contactus@FoundationforBCYF.org

Address:  1483 Tremont Street, Boston, MA 02120

Stay in Touch


The Foundation for Boston Centers for Youth & Families (BCYF) and this website are not a part of Boston Centers for Youth & Families (BCYF) or the City of Boston. The Foundation for BCYF is a separate and independent entity which is responsible for and manages its own activities and affairs and this website. Neither BCYF nor the City of Boston direct, supervise, or control the Foundation for BCYF and neither BCYF nor the City of Boston are responsible for this website or any of the Foundation for BCYF's contracts, acts, or omissions.

© 2021 Foundation for BCYF